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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 03/22/2011
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
March 22, 2011

Present:        Jerry Dougherty, IV, John Allen and Bob Thompson; Selectmen

Visitors:       Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry, Building Inspector Andrew Chalmers, Treasurer Warren Schomaker,  Jerry Dougherty, Kathleen Dougherty, Hank Benesh, Frank Benesh, Larry Seibert, Bill Wogisch, Gino Funicella, Tom Perkins, Roger Labbe, Jane Labbe, Holly Lewis    

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Selectman Dougherty.

  • Approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – March 1, 2012  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Dougherty, made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Session of March 1, 2012.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Thompson abstains).  
  • Non-Public Session #1 – March 1, 2012 Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Dougherty, made a motion to approve the minutes of the Non-Public Session #1 of March 1, 2012.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Thompson abstains).
  • Non-Public Session #2 – March 1, 2012 Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Dougherty, made a motion to approve the minutes of the Non-Public Session #2 of March 1, 2012.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Thompson abstains).
  • Non-Public Session #3 – March 1, 2012 Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Dougherty, made a motion to approve the minutes of the Non-Public Session #3 of March 1, 2012.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Thompson abstains).
  • Selectmen Chair Appointment  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to appoint Jerry Dougherty, IV as Chairman.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Dougherty abstains).
Chairman Dougherty would like to address Board policy, or lack thereof; he is interested in developing a guideline as to how to run business, which is common for Boards to have in place.  It will outline how the Board sets up its agenda and how it looks from meeting to meeting; he’s looking to create a more user-friendly for the Board and the Public; he’d like to discuss this at the next meeting.  Selectman Thompson asked if he could discuss this tonight; Chairman Dougherty would prefer folks to put something together and submit ideas of how the Selectmen want the agenda to look.  Selectman Thompson would like to add an initial area for Public Comment so that folks have the opportunity to comment before the Board gets to work.  He’d like to have Public Comment right after Approval of the Minutes and then another one at the end of the meeting, too; with Public Comment at the end of the meeting, members of the public miss their opportunity to comment on items that are on the agenda; Chairman Dougherty concurs.  Selectman Allen noted he doesn’t have a problem with adding this but he wants Selectman Thompson to know that the Board already answers the public when questions or comments come up during the agenda.  Selectman Thompson noted there might be people who want to comment around the agenda and don’t want to stay for the whole meeting to do so.  The Board agrees to add an initial Public Comment following Approval of the Minutes.  Chairman Dougherty noted meetings work better if the Board abides by the rules it adopts and he’d like to discuss this at the next meeting.  
  • Police Chief Report  Chairman Dougherty noted there are members of the public here who would like to voice comments to Chief Meyers; those comments can be taken after the Police Report.  Police Chief Meyers had been asked to get estimates for the new door; the best price for the door is $1200.  Chris Greenwood is going to donate his time to do the lettering on the door.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the installation of the Police Department door and the air ducts.  The motion passed unanimously.  Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included the arrest of a gentleman on domestic assault and a call for a loose canine.  In a District Court case the accused pled guilty to operating after suspension; a call was received from the Grammar School about a suspicious vehicle whose driver asked two children if they wanted a ride; there was another loose canine by Dana Place and Chief Meyers spoke to the owner; there were two false burglar alarms.  St. Patrick’s Day was in full-force with four intoxicated individuals in a hotel banging on the walls; there were several calls that night.  There was a call about a dog stuck in the swamp and Chief Meyers went out to get the dog; he got muddy and wet but he got the dog out and taken to a vet; it all worked out okay.  There was an incident at town voting when the Moderator had words with two gentlemen; Officers performed a welfare check for a kid in New Jersey who was worried about his dad; dad was okay; Officers assisted the ambulance with an elderly gentleman whose dog bit him; he was not quite lucid.  A juvenile from another town had run away from home to Jackson; Officers helped locate her.  A sled dog team had a fight with a dog in town; there’s a vet bill but the owners came to an understanding.  A resident dropped off medications at the Police Department that the resident wanted out of the house.  In another District Court case the gentleman who drove into the bridge and was arrested for reckless conduct pled guilty.  There was a call to assist the ambulance for a subject who fell while skating and the Department fingerprinted one resident for employment purposes.
Tom Perkins believes the Chief and he have had a good relationship and this is in no way a personal comment but when he entered the Town Meeting Tom was distressed by the police presence; it was an intimidating presence; having an armed guard at every exit seemed excessive.  Tom feels that interfered with the delivery of process; he didn’t see or hear about anything that would have spoken to needing four police officers in a room of two-hundred residents.  Jackson has had much more contentious meetings in the past with one policeman in the back of the room.  He asked where this stops; does the town need to call in a SWAT team?  Chairman Dougherty told Tom he was getting over the top.  Tom is concerned with the level of police presence; it was an issue.  Chief Meyers noted there were three uniformed officers at Town Meeting in 2010 and 2011; he felt the Police were there but in the background.  Tom doesn’t think it was in the background; there were police looking at the crowd in front with two officers at the back door; all of them were armed; Tom doesn’t call that monitoring the crowd.  Selectmen Dougherty stated Tom’s point is taken.  Treasurer Warren Schomaker is concerned as to how this will go down in the history books; it will go into the papers that it was necessary to have a police force at the town meeting to keep order.  This will be forever in history with no credible evidence that such a show of force was necessary; the Police Department overplayed their hand; the Selectmen need to state that they don’t think this level of force was needed.  Bill Wogisch noted that today is different from last year; forty, fifty, sixty years ago folks didn’t even need a police officer; had there been no police presence and something happened the town would never have heard the end of that.  He feels the police presence was justified because on the 13th there was a confrontation with the Moderator early in the morning that was of some concern to folks in town and probably to the Chief who would recognize that as a problem; in addition to what folks did see there it came “this close” to having someone ushered out for being out of order.  Bill feels that he’d rather have overkill; the Police Department has done their job and he commends them; he puts his faith in the Police Chief; he wants to be protected; this is a no-nonsense town; the word is out there and Bill likes that; he finds nothing wrong with what they did.  Jackson has had a police presence at meetings as far back as he can remember.  Selectman Allen thought three Officers would be okay.  Chairman Dougherty would like to close public comment at this time but Gino Funicella would like to comment on the display in the hallway; he felt that went over the top; he didn’t know all of those in the display were convicted felons; he noted one kid was arrested for driving without his license.  Gino also noted a person can’t even have a glass of wine in that building and it was a huge thing to have marijuana there for the “Show and Tell;” the town even stopped ladies from selling Girl Scout cookies there!  The Selectmen get the Police Report every two weeks; folks in town know what the Police are doing; the display wasn’t necessary.  Chairman Dougherty is not going to take anything else from the floor.  Selectman Thompson has a letter which is the first letter he’s had as a Selectman and it starts off by giving a special thanks for the Police Department’s presence throughout the meeting; Helene and David Matesky felt the Police were watching over everyone and keeping everyone calm and safe.  It’s important to recognize that people saw it differently.  Chief Meyers spoke about an issue the Moderator had at the town vote and that’s clearly where this started.  There is no way to know how orderly that meeting would or would not have been; he feels it was a measured response; there was an orderly, spirited debate without incident and he looks to Jackson’s Police Department as one reason folks had an orderly, spirited debate.  Selectman Thompson didn’t feel having the police there took anything away from the meeting; it’s time to move on.  Chairman Dougherty noted, as a policy point, the Selectboard doesn’t have any say regarding police presence at meetings; that’s between the Moderator and the Chief.

  • Road Agent  Road Agent Henry noted Jackson has its winter sand stockpiled; a lot of the bridge construction is done; he is very happy Jackson hired a contractor to help; that will be done next week.  Spring clean-up is early; hopefully winter is over; sweeping has started in parking lots; it’s way too dry to do much of the village; no one can see if they sweep; when Jackson gets some rain the Highway Department will sweep; there’s not much he can do about it and he expects the Selectmen will get some complaints.   Road Agent Henry noted the tractor/mower is in the budget and he would like to proceed with the purchase of it.  He would like to go to the vendor either tomorrow or next week to look at upsizing just a little bit while still staying within the budget.  There is $20,000 in the budget and the one in Ossipee was just under that; he’d like to upsize a little bit but he’s not sure if it’s worth spending $20,300; he has to think on it; spring is here and he wants to get that going; he believes the vendor will bill Jackson as they have in the past.  Selectman Thompson noted if the right mower is three-hundred dollars over budget it might be better to spend that.  Chairman Dougherty wants to make sure the mower doesn’t go too big as mowing is what the focus of this purchase was.  Road Agent Henry noted there is going to be the need to periodically rent an over-the-guardrail attachment to do mowing but this tractor/mower will do most of what his Department has to do.  Chairman Dougherty approves moving forward with this purchase.  Regarding streetlights; Road Agent Henry noted one of the Selectmen’s future meetings will be with the Co-op to discuss streetlights; Jackson has no option but L.E.D. for all replacements unless the town takes over the streetlight package which would be huge.  Last year he put together a committee and they looked at the lights in North Conway by the train station; everyone agreed it wasn’t that ugly of a light and would probably work and fit in fine in Jackson.  The Co-op called recently and offered to replace all the lights in town for nothing; next year the option may not be there; as these lights start breaking there are no options for replacement; he noted the existing lights are ugly.  It’s between three and seven-hundred dollars just in materials when Jackson replaces one of those lights.  He reiterated the cost of taking over the lights would be huge; right now Jackson has a contract with the Co-op to run the lights; Jackson pays a flat rate and the Co-op does all the maintenance; the Co-op will replace the lights at no charge and will keep Jackson’s rate the same; he noted that what Jackson is paying probably isn’t paying for the actual bill.  Selectman Thompson doesn’t see a downside but Chairman Dougherty noted the downside would be that there is no choice.  Road Agent Henry noted they put up two of the new lights today as a trial so folks can see what the light looks like tonight.  He reiterated his belief that the town does not want to take this over; Jackson won’t want to pay the Co-op to work on them; he advised the Selectmen to look at what North Conway is going through.  The two lights on the bridge won’t be touched; the Co-op maintains those.  The Co-op will be coming to a meeting with the Selectmen in the near future.
  • Fire Department Report  Fire Chief Henry noted there is not much to report for the Fire Department except to say it’s going to be a really early brushfire season; it’s starting really early and will be really bad so folks need to pay attention.  He noted he wouldn’t like to see Public Comment first on Building Inspections; he would have to wait while that discussion goes on.  Chairman Dougherty noted he won’t be allowing that type of discussion in this forum.  Road Agent Henry asked about liaisons; Chairman Dougherty will set liaisons at the next meeting.  Road Agent Henry told Selectman Thompson to stop up to the Garage and he will give him the “ten-cent tour”.  
  • Building Permits  Chairman Dougherty noted he will be changing his policy and will participate in the approval of Building Permits; he will reserve discussion regarding Certificates of Occupancy for another night.  
  • Forest, Gilbert & Ellen (Map R13, Lot 28) Bathroom renovation; replace pantry floor & install closet  Building Inspector Chalmers recommends this be approved.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the permit for Forest, Gilbert & Ellen (Map R13, Lot 28).  Selectman Thompson noted this was already signed off on the 14th when they submitted their application; he’d like to know why this is already signed.  Inspector Chalmers noted he always tries to allow contractors to keep moving for small jobs; he will occasionally ask the Selectmen to approve a permit before the meeting rather than having to wait for two weeks.  Selectman Thompson wanted to know why there would be a two-week wait and was reminded the Board only meets every two weeks.  Chairman Dougherty noted that in the Selectmen’s Office Administrative Assistant Cressy and Office Administrator Falcey lead people through the permit process and get in contact with Inspector Chalmers as necessary; when the recommendation is to approve the permit it is standard practice for the Selectmen to sign this outside the meeting so as to not prevent the start of building.  It makes sense to facilitate that as sometimes there are three weeks between meetings; this is already approved and they are underway; the Forests have their permit; the vote is just a formality for the record.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Town of Jackson (Map V2, Lot 39) Second egress for Town Hall upper floor  Inspector Chalmers noted this is the second egress for the gallery which has been in the works for over a year; he recommends it be approved; there is no downside to enabling people to get out of the building.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the permit for Town of Jackson (Map V2, Lot 39).  Chairman Dougherty commented this is a town building that is being leased by a private entity; he thanked the Historical Society for doing so much to take such good care of that building.  Selectman Thompson asked if any of the work had been done yet and was informed some work has been done in the gallery but no work has been done on the egress.  Selectman Thompson asked what is on the second floor and was informed right now there are carpet-covered panels for art display; he was invited to stop by for a tour.  In order to use the second floor the Historical Society needs to create a second means of egress.  The egress will be kept inside the building as the Historical Society is trying to make it look like it belongs there.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Stackhouse, Donald & Joan (Map V10, Lot 113A) Pump House  Inspector Chalmers has been in contact with FX Lyons who is installing this; it will serve five to eight houses and he recommends approval.  This is on Vista Way; Lot 6 is an odd shaped lot and the Pump House will be in the triangle of the property; it’s fairly unobtrusive.  This is a new pump house; their old system was below grade and can’t handle the current use or demand; they need a larger pump to deliver the capacity of water they need.  This will serve mostly second homes.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the permit.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Abenaki townhouse (added)   Chairman Dougherty noted an application has been received by the town building inspector; the property is in rough shape and it is Inspector Chalmers’ desire to contact the owner and notice him that it is not secure at all; it is truly unsafe; kids or adults could get hurt.  RSA 155-B:2 is clear on the town’s responsibility here; the Selectmen need to find out what the owner’s plan is for this structure.  Selectman Thompson asked what the RSA says and was informed it states the municipality is to notify the owner when a hazard exists and the owner then has twenty days to mitigate the hazard.  The Town can raze the property and then take the owner to court.  The complaint first went to the Health Inspector then to the Building Inspector; the owners have received no notice from the town yet.  Inspector Chalmers will draft a letter and send it to the Selectmen for their approval.  
  • Investment Policy  Treasurer Schomaker noted the town is required to adopt an investment policy each year with the policy being reaffirmed at the first meeting of the new Board.  Copies were circulated ahead of time; there are no changes from last year; everything has been approved; this establishes how the funds are handled and guaranteed.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Dougherty, made a motion to approve the investment policy.  Selectman Thompson asked if the scope and objectives have been approved by someone in Concord.  Chairman Dougherty noted this is a boilerplate document; it’s standard; this allows the town to invest funds and earn money versus just leaving the funds in the bank.  Treasurer Schomaker noted the most important thing is that it’s collateralized; Jackson has over a million dollars in accounts.  Selectman Thompson asked who the government entity is that signs off on this; he was informed only the Selectmen sign off, to the best of Treasurer Schomaker’s knowledge.  Frank Benesh asked what the committed collateral is and was informed it’s a letter of credit from a federal land bank; Frank asked who issued the letter and was informed it’s issued by the Bank of Pittsburg.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • TDBank signature authorization  As Treasurer Schomaker needs to leave shortly Chairman Dougherty asked to move agenda item #14 forward.  Treasurer Schomaker has the cards ready for signature; there are three sets for three accounts which are the General Fund, Payroll and a Money Market Account.  The General Fund, by policy, requires three signatures; Treasurer Schomaker, Office Administrator Falcey or any of the three Selectmen; Office Administrator Falcey can only sign if two of the Selectmen are not available.  The Money Market Account requires two signatures but they usually have only one as the money is written back to the Town of Jackson; Treasurer Schomaker is the signatory usually however Office Administrator Falcey or the Selectmen could sign. The Payroll account is done through a service and no checks are signed. Someone from the Office calls and transfers the funds; the Selectmen sign the manifest for Payroll every week and the payroll service writes the checks to the individuals.  Treasurer Schomaker noted that if the town requires three signatures by policy the banks don’t monitor that; the town has to monitor that itself.  Selectman Thompson would like to point out that his wife is the Treasurer of the School District so he is asking to be last in line to sign any of these; he doesn’t see any conflict of interest.  Treasurer Schomaker is the last one to sign on all the accounts.  Frank asked if, with the wire transfers, there is a callback; Office Administrator Falcey noted the funds are transferred from one account to another; Jackson has the Selectmen sign off on the  weekly payroll manifest.  Frank asked about transfers in general and Chairman Dougherty noted it depends on the transfer.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the only transfers Jackson does are from the general account  to the payroll account.  Frank suggests the town look at the bank to see who is authorized; when informed the town only has incoming transfers Frank noted the town needs to know who the bank thinks is authorized.  The investment policy was signed.  
  • Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station:  Scrap Metal Agreement  Roger Labbe and his wife Jane asked if they could speak; they were asked to join the Board at the table.  Roger thought there would be an approval three or four weeks ago; he’s concerned there was a problem with the contract so he’s here to answer any questions the Board might have.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board had questions that didn’t have anything to do with Roger.  He explained that he’d been tasked to speak with Transfer Station Manager Edgerly about how he came to bring this contract forward; did it used to go out for bid; that was the only issue it was not due to Roger’s contract.  Roger was thanked for coming in.  Roger noted he went to the town and approached them about the metal; the January after he retired he went to the Bartlett Selectmen for a contract.  The towns were being paid two-hundred-some dollars a year and Roger offered a thousand; for five years he stuck with a thousand; and a couple years ago he went to twelve-hundred-fifty; he would be glad to offer more money if the Transfer Station staff could keep people out of that pile; he lost a whole pallet of batteries one night; he’s losing money with this contract.  That was last summer; there was a problem there around the same time; there are several people from Berlin and Gorham who pick and take whatever they want.  For an example, someone pulled all the copper out of the electronics; Roger used to get that wire; now it’s gone.  He’s making a little money but it is costing him twenty dollars a week in gas to travel and his time; throughout the winter he hasn’t picked up two-hundred dollars’ worth of stuff; contractors are recycling the items themselves.  If the Selectmen approve the contract he’ll keep his mouth shut about all of this.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board is okay with the contract; the reason Manager Edgerly doesn’t go hunting for bids on metal is because it’s a real hassle; Manager Edgerly likes working with Roger.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Scrap Metal Agreement at the Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station.  Selectman Thompson wants to know why this was already signed by Bartlett in January; why didn’t it come to the Selectmen earlier.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated the contract did come to the Selectmen earlier; it was an oversight on Chairman Dougherty’s part; there were a couple of questions from the Board and the Selectmen didn’t know how it came that this was the contract they ended up looking at this year.  He is bringing the information forward today; he wasn’t able to bring it forward earlier.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Committee Appointments  Chairman Dougherty noted this was news to him that these appointments would come to the Selectmen in this fashion.  These are seats that are up on the various boards; the Selectmen don’t necessarily need to fill these tonight; the person currently in the seat will hold that seat until someone is appointed by the Board.  Office Administrator Falcey disagreed noting that some of these appointments end on March 31st and some of the members won’t be able to work at their next board meetings in April.  These appointments are as recommended by the Chair of each Board.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated these folks will continue to hold these seats until the Board appoints someone else; these seats are filled by appointment; the person appointed to that seat holds the seat until they are reappointed or there is a new appointment; the Board isn’t under any time constraints if it doesn’t want to fill these tonight.  Selectman Thompson noted if Chairman Dougherty wants informed input tonight Selectman Thompson is not in a position to do so; he got Frank’s recommendation email, however he is not even sure how many members are on these boards or if there are alternates. He doesn’t know if he needs to be up on that and asked if the Board always takes the Chairs’ recommendations; Chairman Dougherty noted historically the Board has gone with the Chairmen’s recommendations on these; these appointments are made by the Selectmen and it’s a decision the Board needs to make; at its pleasure.  Chairman Dougherty did contact the LGC to ask specifically about this and was informed until the Selectmen make an appointment or reappointment then the person in the seat continues to sit.  He would like to repeat that he is concerned to have these brought forward like this tonight; the Board is not sure how many positions are currently open.  Frank encouraged the Board to act relatively quickly; they need to understand how this feels to those in the position of reappointment; Chairman Dougherty agreed that’s a good point.  Larry Siebert asked if the available seats were noticed; when he was informed they were not he stated there should be some notice; the public should know what is available; he doesn’t understand not putting these vacancies out publically; he would have put his name in for the Planning Board had he known the seat was up.  Selectman Allen thought these vacancies were published in the paper; Office Administrator Falcey agrees they should be advertised; she was getting all these requests in and she thought the Board needed to get people appointed immediately so the April meetings met its quorum.  Selectman Thompson noted it seems appropriate to post this for a period of time so it is out there.  There are two committee chairs here tonight and it might not influence them to change their recommendation but it allows for that option.  Chairman Dougherty asked Office Administrator Falcey to post the openings and the Board will review the applicants at the next meeting.  The ad will specify the vacant seats and the deadline for expressing interest; the ad will run on Tuesday the 27th and Monday April 2nd will be the deadline; the ad will run for six days.  At the meeting on the 5th the Selectmen will need to hear from the Chairs.  When asked what seats are available Frank noted they need an alternate on the ZBA; Larry noted there is an open seat on the Conservation Commission.  Frank noted he has other seats open and has put those vacancies in the e-news for months; he even went out to find those who have the experience but has had no interest.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated it is the Board’s responsibility to get the word about open seats out there; Frank is not disagreeing.  Selectman Thompson asked Office Administrator Falcey if she has the language necessary to post the ad or does she need help with that; it was noted the wording is pretty standard; Office Administrator reviewed how she envisioned the ad and noted she will set April 2nd at 4:30 p.m. as the deadline as that is the end of business hours at the Office.  Frank suggested the Chairs might consider offering up contact information of the Chairs so folks can get information about the openings; it was noted that information doesn’t need to be in the ad; folks who are interested will contact the town offices and will be given the appropriate Chair’s number.  Frank would also like to point out that while he’s received no complaints, the ZBA has lost track of the expiration for seats; he’s relatively sure that all of the seats listed on tonight’s agenda do not end on the same date.  There are three terms expiring; this is a five-member team and he would suggest the terms be spread out with one for two years and the others for three years so the ZBA doesn’t lose three folks all at the same time; these appointments might have been staggered to begin with but with no one to fill the positions they just kept rolling over.  Office Administrator Falcey will send an email out for proofing; Frank noted he may not be able to attend in two weeks so he’d like the Board to know that he supports the reappointment of Joan Aubrey, Brian Walker and Martha Benesh.  The LGC was consulted regarding having two members of the same family on the Board and it is legal; if there is someone who would like to be an alternate Martha is happy to step down; ideally the Board should have five permanent members and three alternates.  Selectman Thompson would like to have a sheet of who is on each committee, their status as member or alternate and open seats; he asked to make sure the same information is on the website.  
  • Jackson Public Library:
  • Roger Aubrey: alternate member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Planning Committee:
  • Betsey Harding:  regular member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Richard Bennett:  alternate member appointment (3 year term)
  • Beatrice Davis:  alternate member appointment (3 year term)
  • Board of Adjustment
  • Frank Benesh:  regular member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Joan Aubrey:  regular member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Brian Walker:  regular member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Martha Benesh:  alternate reappointment (3 year term)
  • Conservation Commission
  • Brian Byrne:  regular member reappointment (3 year term)
  • Extend Service of Liquor
  • Red Fox Bar & Grille – September 15th wedding  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to extend the Service of Liquor for the Red Fox Bar & Grille for a September 15, 2012 wedding.   This service will be in a temporary tent set up for that purpose; the proper liquor license has been approved but the town has the final say on this.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Red Fox Bar & Grille – Annual Memorial Hospital Open  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to extend the Service of Liquor for the Red Fox Bar & Grille for the Annual Memorial Hospital Open.  This service will be in the same tent as approved in item a. with the date being July 19, 2012.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Eagle Mountain House & Golf Club:  Liquor license application   The application for a Beverage and Wine license has been submitted to the Liquor Commission; this is the Selectmen’s opportunity to present comment.  Selectman Allen asked if this is outdoors or on the deck and was informed it specifies this license is for “the establishment”.  The Eagle Mountain House & Golf Club are under new ownership, that’s what triggered this application; this doesn’t require any action on the Selectmen’s part unless they choose to do so.  If the Selectmen do nothing it means they are okay with Eagle Mountain pursuing this.  Bill Wogisch noted the Eagle Mountain does serve on the porch and from time-to-time they serve in a tent across the road; Chairman Dougherty pointed out this is outside the purview of the notice to the Board.
  • Jackson Village Cemetery
  • Eastern Green cemetery maintenance  This contract is recommended by Barbara.  The contract is for $1180 for June through October; Barbara also suggested the Board send a letter of appreciation to Pat for all her years of service.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the contract with Eastern Green for cemetery maintenance.  Selectman Thompson asked if this went out to bid and was informed it did not however Pat Donnelly was unable to continue and the town contracted with Rick last year.  Rick Davis will be taking care of the Dundee cemetery and Mr. Spears will do the Mill Street one.  It was noted that Gary usually provides a number that is undervalue when he provides an estimate for the town.  It is nice to have a recommendation from the Cemetery Committee as to who they want to do it.  When Selectman Thompson asked if Pat or Rick ever did work in May it was noted someone would have to ask Barbara; Rick may have the contract through the end of May.  The Board can talk to Gary about this as they don’t want the cemetery to be unkempt in May.   When it was noted that the Highway Department has done some cleanup there Road Agent Henry noted there’s been some conflict on that in past.  Gary has a lot of work he does for the town and Chairman Dougherty is confident he wouldn’t let that lapse.  Selectman Allen noted spring flowers are not included; Chairman Dougherty believes the Cemetery Committee does the flowers that are planted there.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Cemetery Lot Agreement  This lot was purchased before and this document cleans up the paperwork.  Selectman Thompson would like to know why the Selectmen facilitate the lot purchases and agreements; he was informed the Selectmen don’t; they just authorize it.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Cemetery Lot Agreement.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  • Meloon Road groundwater monitoring:  HEBergeron Engineers Agreement Letter This is the monitoring of the old Transfer Station/dump site; it is hoped this will be the final year for monitoring.  This document is for signature only; HEB has been involved with this from the start; they’ve been doing the monitoring since 2007.  During that time only one test had an upper metalic level but it didn’t jeopardize the five-year testing status; to date that was the only anomaly; there are five test wells they sample from.  Larry asked if the test wells are all deep below ground so none of the current dumping has any effect on this agreement; he was informed some of the wells are not deep.  Larry then asked if HEB is aware there is currently dumping on that property; he was informed they are very aware.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Agreement and to authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement for a one year contract with HEB to monitor the water at Meloon Road.  Chairman Dougherty pointed out there is language on the second page regarding responsibilities; the Board will cross off the risk allocation which says if HEB personnel do something wrong the town would assume all the risk and cost which it shouldn’t; the correction was initialed.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Hazard Mitigation Plan update  This is an FYI item only; Beatrice Davis is still working on this; she is more knowledgeable as is Office Administrator Falcey who has provided information as to the steps involved and who participated in the last plan update; Chairman Dougherty is confident this is being handled very well.  He asked if anyone on the Board is interested in participating and Selectman Thompson asked what other committees need Selectmen representation; he was informed both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission do.  Chairman Dougherty will discuss committee and liaison appointments at the next meeting; Selectman Thompson asked for a written list to be available for the next meeting with all openings.  The Hazard Mitigation Committee started working on this in 2009; this plan is already established; there is not a lot of legwork to be done now.  This is not the same as the Emergency Management Plan.   June Garneau will be facilitating the Hazard Mitigation Plan  update.  Office Administrator Falcey has reserved Friday April 20th as the start date; she picked the latest one to give the Board time to work out who would be interested in participating.  Chairman Dougherty feels those who serve ex officio should remain the same throughout their term.  This will go on the agenda for the next meeting.  
  • Public Comment  Larry welcomed Selectman Thompson noting it’s good to have him on the Board.  Kathleen Dougherty asked the Board to please make sure to write that letter to Pat Donnelly; she was assured Office Administrator Falcey is working with Barbara to get some history for the letter.  Jerry Dougherty asked if the Board has taken any action on issuing a contract for videotaping the meetings and was informed the Selectmen have not; it is on the agenda for the next meeting; the town did approve the money.  Frank noted he went over to the Library and watched this session online; it’s working.  Selectman Thompson noted he and Hank talked about putting a link on the Jackson website to market this; he suggested Hank could give the Board a briefing on what he would be doing for that $3,000; Hank will do this.  Larry noted if this will be on the agenda for the next meeting and the Board is considering putting the link on he would like to discuss how is used.  Office Administrator Falcey noted that is not the town’s official website; Larry thought it was.  What he’d like to do is have the Board look at how much that website costs the town; it was agreed that there will be a brief (five minute) report on that website at the next meeting.  It was noted that there are certain people, like Joan and Phil Davies, who maintain that site.  Holly Lewis asked if there are any other options for the website and Chairman Dougherty noted the town could hire someone to maintain a website; he doesn’t know how much it costs the town to facilitate that website.  It was noted it costs around $145 for that site.  Chairman Dougherty noted there are options but it could run thousands to run a website.  Holly would like the Board to explore their options before making a choice.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board isn’t making a choice; the town doesn’t have an official website.  Selectman Allen noted the second meeting in April would be on the 19th and he will be on vacation; he wondered if the Board wanted to hold the meeting while he’s away or to reschedule it.  Chairman Dougherty feels it would be best to reschedule the meeting.  The Board agreed to move the second meeting of the month to Thursday April 26th.  Selectman Thompson asked how the time for the meetings works for the other Board members; Selectman Allen noted he has no problem with meetings after 3:30; Chairman Dougherty has Thursdays set aside for the Board.  Selectman Thompson noted starting the meetings at 4:30 would make it a lot easier for him; the new time will go into effect for the Board’s next meeting.  Since there is a Planning Board meeting before the 5th Selectman Allen agreed to attend that meeting.  The Upper Saco Valley Land Trust is meeting on April 2nd at 4:30 p.m. and the Board is invited; Chairman Dougherty will attend; he thanked everyone for coming to tonight’s meeting.
  • Non-Public Session
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(a) to discuss a personnel issue at 6:16 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • RSA 91A:3 II(a) – Personnel
The Board returned to Public Session at 6:40 p.m.

  • RSA 91A:3 II(e) – Litigation
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(e) to discuss pending litigation at 6:40 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board returned to Public Session at 6:43 p.m.

There being no further business the meeting was dissolved at 6:44 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted by:

                                                Martha D. Tobin

                                                Recording Secretary